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  • The structure of the horn

    Horn of the main body, include: 1. To support the sound box (horn) 2. The framework of basin magnet 3. 4. Coil elastic wave 5. 6. Sound basin edge structure as shown in figure When level after the music signal to convey to the horn (i.e., indicating the size of coil magnetization data) using the physical function of magnetic pole, as a campaign against magnetic or basin of attraction to make the sound for the overburden movement, and the basin sound vibration of air, which generate sound, and decided the horn sound quality,...
  • Why will burn the horn so

      Stereo or radio speakers often burn off or broken voice in the system, the average person intuition people will think that is too loud horn meeting can not stand, and thus of spoiling the horn, actually otherwise, there are many kinds of circumstances are likely, respectively, for example, the following situation and reason, believe that we can help you maintain the horn longevity tens of years. We often use the microphone will because the microphone on speaker speech or singing too close to or to the speaker...
  • Background music smallpox

    A, the consultation 1, we advocate make plan according to the scene, according to drawings and not only observe the actual scene, the smallpox horn type selection and layout of the horn equinoctial scheme in general it is difficult to achieve the ideal effect. Installation space between smallpox horn, inside the industry there is a reference: each of the distance between two speakers for the horn twice the distance to the ground, often this method can satisfy the full play of voice even, speakers are more waste, but need according to d...
  • How to improve the effect

    How to improve the effect of multimedia conference system of sounds, sound box placed In multimedia conference room or home theater, in addition to the indoor acoustic environment has a certain effect on acoustic field, the speaker placement is particularly important. On the premise of good indoor acoustical environment, the more accurate acoustic image positioning, sound more realistic, the more one can show a vivid acoustic image of presence. In the following, we discuss three in turn ahead (le...
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